Soybean pod borer, Lepidoptera, small, the leaf roller Division. Main soybean insect damage. Soybean pod borer young moth-eaten food harm beans into a large pods. Adults: body length of 5 to 6 mm, wingspan of 12 to 14 mm, dark brown tawny. Eggs: flat oval, about 0.5 mm primiparous milk yellow-white, the latter becomes white. 5th instar larvae. The newly hatched milk orange, orange-red mature. Length of 8 to 10 mm, head and pronotum brown. Pupa: body about 6 mm, brown, abdominal segments 2 to 7 on the back, the front and rear edge of each thorn a just a big thorn 8 to 9 abdominal segment. Cocoon oblong, white silk outside with soil particles. Soybean pod borer year one generation to mature larvae overwinter in the soil, various instars occurred early period in northern, southern later. Larvae lifetime average food harm 20 to 30 days old cooked before the soybean harvest to bite a hole in the edge of the pod by pod prolapse. Larvae off the pod, they sneak into the cocoon overwintering in the soil. Embedded depth of soil types, sandy loam 4 to 9 cm, viscous chernozem more than 1-6 cm up to 13 cm, the deepest. Oviposition the optimum temperature is 20 to 25 ℃, relative humidity of 95%, hot and dry or cold and rainy not conducive to oviposition. Rainfall and soybean pod borer occurred very close. Larvae off the pod peak if greater rainfall, soil moisture is conducive to the of larvae buried and wintering, next year occurred. Pupation period of drought or heavy rain under the year occurred late light hazard. Soybean Continuous Cropping pest heavier. The soybean pod peak as oviposition peak coincides tend to suffer serious. Recommended control methods: in the early larvae hatch every 667m2 10 billion spores / ml Empedobacter brevis 80 to 100 ml spray fine mist evenly watered about 45 kg.